As part of the state curriculum, students in third grade study our home state. As a supplement to their work, I developed the state coin project. This could be adapted to any state. I encourage students to learn about the coins specially minted for our state and share with them a background of how the coin was developed. Each student is then challenged to create their own coin to represent themselves.
LESSON PLAN: State Coin Project
ART: Grade 3
that a state coin is a piece of art and create a meaningful coin using
to represent ourselves.
Educational Theory:
thought, self expression and self discovery in relation to a state symbol
What You Need:
Newsprint, drawing pencil, visuals
of several state coins with supplementary information from website: , round lid to use as
tracer for coin size (top of cream cheese container), copper or silver art foil
and embossing sticks, scissors, black tempera paint, black construction paper,
glue, sharpies, old mouse pads (1 per student, donated by a local computer company)
Time: 2 – 3 class periods of
45 minutes each
What You Do:
Wk 1: Using document camera, display a few state coins. Have students
as to the meanings of the different symbols on the coin as a group.
should have a baseline of information as they are usually studying their
state or
origin in 3rd grade. After
discussion where everyone should be permitted
opportunity to give ideas and input, actually share the history of the coin,
and symbols along with supplementary information about the minting
significance of symbols and why symbols might be personally important
individual students. Students ‘brainstorm’
on paper with thumbnail sketches
of things
they would like to include on a personal coin.
(ideas might be favorite
activities, sport, animal, etc.)
Students are given 9x12 newsprint
which they will fold in half and then half
On each of the 4 sections, they will trace the circle that will define
shape of their coin. Incorporate thumbnail sketches into 4
different coin ideas.
Encourage students to experiment
freely and to not get bogged down with
perfection at this point in the
project. They should only be focused on
and ideas for their coin. Additional paper may be used if
necessary. Final
choice should be clean and precise
with moderate detail and fine line.
Wk 2: Finish drawing
from 1st week if needed.
After selection final coin design, teacher
assist with applying masking tape to position paper onto art foil for transfer.
The foil
should be precut to slightly larger than coil drawing. Working on an old mouse pad
to soften the surface of the
table, students transfer their drawing to the
foil by
drawing over their lines with a pencil.
Slight pressure is used for the
transfer. Once all lines are visible
on the foil, the paper can be removed but
should be
saved for reference. Using embossing
stick, trace over all the lines
on the coin, applying pressure but not hard
enough to cause hand discomfort. Turn
coin to
back side, using the blunt end of the stick, raise all the areas outside of the
again pressure that does not cause hand or finger discomfort. Continue this
until coin has achieve desire texture making certain to not lose the
integrity of
the design. The surface should have a 3D
effect of 1/8 – ¼ inch when
completed. If time, cut around
the circle of the coin to define shape.
Wk 3: Using black tempera paint, cover the coin and then
when dry, lightly rub paint
away from
all raised surfaces. Use sharpies to add color as desired to the design.
Glue coin in center
of black paper and mat with white to
complete for display.
On separate sheet
of paper, students will write about their
coin and explain the
symbolism and why they chose what they did.
Both pieces
should be displayed together.
Teacher should be observing and supporting the process
throughout the three class periods, encouraging students to be created with
thought and medium and monitoring understanding of the process.
Cleanliness of finished project
Consideration given to symbolism
Originality of work exhibiting personal creative
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