This first one is a tutorial for creating Zentangles. Mine is slightly different than Allie's in layout but I did use the information she provided. I also added my "No Name, No Fame" statement to the bottom of the poster. My students are accustomed to my reminding them to write their name on their papers with those words. I also dug out my Zentangle book, purchased a few summers ago and made photo copies of the designs in the back of the book. I shrunk them down enough to be able to cut them to a 3 1/4 x 3 1/2 rectangle. They are to be laminated, a hole punched into the upper left corner of each one and hung on a split ring for a visual to accompany the poster. I plan to make it available for students to use during Free Art or when they finish a project as a filler.
This second one is my "NO Stick Figures!" Poster. I loved Allie's term Strong Bodies that she uses with her students to indicate not using stick figures. Here is my interpretation of her poster with a slightly different layout. I think this might need a bit of discussion and clarification for students to fully grasp the message. It should be a reminder to them that they need to use shapes to create strong bodies when they draw people in the classroom. I'm really happy with how they turned out and eager to gage the responses of my students.
I'm a syndicated cartoonist, creating "Slylock Fox and Comics for Kids" strips for over 25 years, I've been including a child's drawing in the feature every week for nearly the entire run of the comic. I enjoy giving youngsters a place to shine, be inspired and instill enthusiasm for drawing. I recently launched a site that allows me to display and comment on many more of the submissions I receive. I'm trying to provide an online gallery where kids can be proud to share their creations. Hope you'll take a peek --