Student work with tint |
It always seems like the first of the year crawls to a start. First there are all the logistics to work out with classes. Then you introduce and lesson and finally in week three, you might have a few students who are turning in completed projects. I am so thankful to finally make it to week three and a few completed projects! International Dot Day is always my go to for the first project of the year. The timing is terrific and the possibility of multiple ideas across the grade levels is an easy. This year 5th grade students reviewed and demonstrated an understanding of color mixing to create value. Some chose to make tints and some chose shades, painting their dots in any pattern as long as value was evident.
Student work with shade
4th grade student's Elements Dot |
Fourth grade students reviewed an understanding of the Elements of Art. Their challenge was a bit more creative in that they needed to apply their knowledge of the elements to their dot. They could incorporate them into the design of their dot or they could simply illustrate evidence of knowledge of what they were. The end results were a range of interpretations. Here are a few of those:
3rd grade vanGogh |
Second grade student explored symmetry for their dot projects. Some students drew and colored for symmetry and other classes cut symmetry.
2nd grade symmetry |
2nd grade cut symmetry |
2nd grade symmetry |
2nd grade symmetry |
2nd grade drawing symmetry |
traditional style color wheel |
1st grade color wheel |
1st grade color wheel |
First grade students explored design possibilities using the color wheel. They first explored the many color wheels evident in the art room and discussed the commonality among them answering the question "What makes it a color wheel?" Once they had determined the order of the colors of the color wheel and why there was an order they set off to create their own interpretation of a color wheel. Here are a few of their original color wheels.
Each project was completed when it included an artist statement which was published with the work on Artsonia. You can view our galleries
here and
here. Now we are off and running in the art room and eager to create art in a variety of ways. Hello new school year!!!