Thanks to Aimee over at
One Happy Art Teacher. This week she had a post about printing with Payon watercolor crayons. I am in the middle of a printing lesson with my students so it could have not been more timely. Her idea was to print with foam that had been incised. I had just made plates with my fifth grade students and intended to do traditional prints with them this week. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any photos of their prints so I will post about that success next week. However, I immediately hit the classroom and began to experiment with the payons with hopes of discovering other ways I

might use them with my students in the other grades, primarily with first graders for mono-printing. First I tried them on plexi. I used wet payon by dipping into a container of water and drawing directly on the plexi. It worked well but no pictures of those because I haven't yet given it a try with the kids.
But, I planned to use kutz-it and water based makers with my first graders that afternoon and grabbed the payons for that experience instead. All these examples are student examples with the kutz-it plates. The kids loved them and were thrilled with their successes. I had encourage a more abstract approach rather than realistic drawing as you can tell from most of the prints. We even achieved ghost prints by sprinting with water after the first print was pulled. The students did dip in water and draw with a wet payon not a dry one. I did have to scrub the plates to clean them and they are stained.
This is only the products of one class. I look forward to seeing the results of my other first grade students as we continue with this week. And, for those looking for you own set of payons, I found them on-line. It looks like Prang has reintroduced them. So Aimee, someone is listening!!!!