I have come to realization that I am undoubtedly suppose to be an art teacher. Yes, it must be true. After having owned a couple of businesses, and done a wide variety of different type of jobs in my longggg lifetime I came to this surprising revelation today while calmly eating some cutesy sugary candies. Whatttt? I can hear you say. So here is what happened. I was slaving away at straightening up the homestead a bit and cleaning the kitchen when I stumbled upon a container of flower shaped little candies that I had bought on a whim a while back when I was craving a sugar high. Since I had worked through lunch and the tummy was a little rumbley, I cracked those candies open and began to much away. In the process, the candies developed a life of their own and I felt drawn to creating patterns with the fun colors. Before you knew it I was down to just a few of the enticing and tasty little guys and Ta Da...I had created a Tessellation!!!! But, being that my mind is now obsessed with being an art teacher what was I next drawn to do. Of course, I grabbed the camera, you can't let that terrific visual get away! Candy is now gone but the Tessellation will live forever!