I will be attending the Art Bid on Thursday this week and will need to leave sub plans for Kindergarten. That's the only class I worry about when I am out because all other classes work in their portfolios. I am always thinking minimal supplies for Kindergarten and try to keep it really manageable. After surfing the net and checking into to Pinterest, I found a cute handout on a mommy blog for assembling dinosaurs using foam shapes. T
his blog is where I located it.
My handout for the shapes |
Kindergarten Shapes and Animals
Math &
Visual Arts Connections
Animals in their Habitats
Purpose: For students to create an animal using
shapes. Practice cutting skills
and identify shapes and their properties.
Prep work: Photo
copy handout of shapes onto colored paper either assorted for
animal lesson or suggested green or purple for dinosaurs.
scissors, handout, glue, background paper or choice either 12 x 18
drawing or construction paper in blue.
Assessment: Did the students use their
creativity to design an original animal or a
animal that is recognizable related to something they have
learned or studied
Begin: Read a book about a variety of
animals so that students can connect
to visuals of animals OR
Choose a specific animal to have students create such as a
Discuss what shapes create what parts of animals.
i.e. what might we use for a head shape, a body, legs,
Each student receives a print out of a variety of shapes.
They will
carefully cut out each shape and place into an envelope
for safe
keeping as they cut.
Have students arrange shapes in a variety of ways prior to
actually gluing onto background.
Complete composition using crayons to add a habitat for the animal or in prior lesson have students paint a
background for the animal.