's Balloon by Yayoi Kusama

Imagine my excitement when I discovered a few weeks ago that there was a Yayoi Kusama balloon being created for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I had introduced 3rd grade students to Kusama in the early fall. They created many difference colored pumpkins covered in finger printed dots to reflect their learning about her style of art. We had read the book "Yayoi Kusama From Here to Infinity" to learn a little background information about her and her art. We discovered that she is currently one of the most famous living women artist of our time. Yeah, I had no idea. We received so many compliments on the bulletin board display of the completed pumpkins; people really love them. And now, she will have a balloon in the parade. I'm excited to see it and thanks to
Artsonia was able to send a newsletter link out to families with the hope that all my 3rd graders would know about the balloon in the parade. So, better late than never, here are some 3rd grade works as we celebrate Kusama's continuing success and the THE BALLOON!