
Monday, December 2, 2013

Kindergarten "Not a Box" books

I posted this past weekend about my substitute plans for tomorrow.  I had everything ready to go, books copied and assembled but confidence was waning so I decided to try out the lesson with my Kinders class today.  Her are a couple of photos of the books during assembly.  I was able to do double sided copies so it really does go together like a book.
 I made certain to line everything up then carefully flip the book over so no staple ends would be exposed.  Since the books are 9" when opened flat, the staples were at 4 1/2".   It was necessary to borrow the long necked stapler to put these together.

The lesson went well with my class today.  The kids enjoyed the reading of the book and the wonderful, yet simple illustrations.  They couldn't wait to begin their own.  Since I had everything assembled, I allowed them to select what cover color they wanted.  (one piece of construction paper cut in half made two covers).  Here is how I conducted the lesson.   Students identified the first shape in the book, it was a square.  I wrote the work "box" on the whiteboard and they all copied it onto their books.   They all selected a red crayon and colored in their box focusing on good control and trying to stay in the lines.  Next they drew a box on the following page and turned it into something.  I gave each student a post-it where I wrote the word for what they had drawn for them to copy.  This enabled me to move around and not be stuck spelling for a student while the others tired of waiting their turn.  When all were finished, we moved on to the next shape in the book, a rectangle.  Same process, word "rectangle" on whiteboard then written into book and color.  They drew a rectangle and told me what their rectangle was to become.  I wrote that word on the post it for them to copy.   They only completed three pages in the book today, page three was a circle.  I hope it goes well for the substitute tomorrow.  With organization, it went great for me today.   Here are a few finished pages that I had to share with you!

1 comment:

  1. I love this book! Several years ago, my son received a copy as a high school graduation gift from a friend, and I've used it many times since then. I posted a lesson I did a while back, and even used it as an emergency lesson when I subbed for a teacher sho left no plans! The lesson wasn't as thought out as yours, but in a pinch, it worked great. I cut up squares of old cardboard and glued onto each sheet of white paper. The kinders then had to imagine what that box would become, and complete the scene. Their imaginations were great! I've also done the same lesson with old cd's, gluing one to each sheet of paper for an imagination starting point. The results were adorable.
