
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Color wheel truck in the city

 I found this fun little kindergarten project on Art in the Big Green Room.

As I have mentioned before, I always use a children's book with my kinders projects.  For this one I used Harold and the Purple Crayon.  Harold draws city buildings at one point during the story when he is in search of his window.

This is an easy one day project for kindergarten that combines shape and color.  I pre prepped all of the colored rectangles so you could slow the process by having the students cut themselves.

First we looked at pictures of city buildings and drew tall rectangles above a horizon line on the paper.  A black crayons was used for this process.  Next students glued a black rectangle onto the skyline at a place of their choice and used a white craypa to add windows and doors.  They were all very concerned with placement of door knobs, cute.  As they drew, we talked about shapes and sizes of both windows and doors.  A broken line was added to divide the road below the building.  Again, discussion about broken lines in roads continued.  Such questions "where do you see the broken line?" "Are there broken lines in the street in front of the school?"
 Using glue sticks, students began to assemble the color wheel truck.  After the first two colors were in place, I had them predict which color I would be passing to them next.  The red and final rectangle was glued in place horizontally to represent the front of the truck and the black crayon was again used to add detail to the cab and the wheels.
Next time I present this lesson, I will cut the rectangles for the truck smaller.  The background paper was cut 9"x6" .  I think I would prefer to have the students work larger as well and perhaps slow down the lesson and have them add color to the buildings.  Regardless, it was a great kindergarten lesson.

Art in the Big Green Room

1 comment:

  1. Great results! Thank you for sharing! I feel so honored you tried it out :)
