Saturday, November 9, 2013

Organic Shapes are really monsters!

After reading the book "Jeremy Draws a Monster" by Peter McCarty, students tore an organic shape out of lightweight paper.  I used some donated paper, the type with the pin feeds once used in printers.  Students were instructed to tear their paper by keeping thumbs close together to control the tear and by not looking so as to not plan the finished shape.  Students actively participated in making a list of what characteristics might determine the aspects of a monster.  From this list they began to plan ideas for their personal monster. Instead of beginning to create the monster immediately, they were encouraged to turn the shape around and over to visualize what might be hidden in their organic shape.  Monsters were created using markers with a focus for vivid color and detail.  When completed they were set aside as students designed a habitat for the monster.  These were drawn with crayon for added contrast to the colors of the markers.  Thought was given to the practices of the monster as the habitats were created.  Finally students answered a series of questions while reflecting on their monster to write an Artist Statement for their Artsonia exhibit.  Here are a few completed works.
Student Work

student work

student work

student work

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